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For This Child We Prayed: Living with the Secret Shame of Infertility

Lena Arnold dispels cultural and Christian misconceptions of infertility through personal insight, and reflection. Anyone waiting on a promise or a dream can benefit from For This Child We Prayed. It teaches that faith can help you wait as you believe.

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Jackie's Way: Jackie's Terrible Temper

Jackie is a little girl who has big problems managing her anger. Often bullied by two neighborhood boys, and feeling sadness over her parents marriage problems; Jackie feels as if the only answer to her problems is fighting.  But when an altercation with one of the boys goes too far, Jackie feels compelled to try to figure out another way to solve her anger problem. Join Jackie and her friends in the first of the Jackie book series to find out how Jackie learns new ways to solve problems and cope with life's difficulties.

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Strong Black Coffee: Poetry and Prose to Enlighten, Encourage, and Entertain Americans of African Descent

The journey from freedom to bondage, to freedom again changed black Americans. This book of poetry explores those changes and encourages people of color to embrace those changes with pride and dignity. 



The New Workplace Terminology You Have to Know

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5 Signs Your Organization Must Change Its Workplace Culture

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The Secret for Ongoing Motivation

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Why Hard Work Is Not Enough

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Strong Black Coffee: Poetry and Prose to Enlighten, Encourage, and Entertain Americans of African Descent

The journey from freedom to bondage, to freedom again changed black Americans. This book of poetry explores those changes and encourages people of color to embrace those changes with pride and dignity. 


Strong Black Coffee: Poetry and Prose to Enlighten, Encourage, and Entertain Americans of African Descent

The journey from freedom to bondage, to freedom again changed black Americans. This book of poetry explores those changes and encourages people of color to embrace those changes with pride and dignity. 


In the Absence of My Father

Author Lena Fields Arnold delves into the poetic side of herself to unveil what happens when a father is absent in the life of a young woman. How does his absence affect her choices, the way she lives, the way she loves? Poetry lovers are in for a treat!



for booking information or to schedule interviews:

text 937-818-6523

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  • @lenafieldsarnold

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